How to Market in a Recession: A Strategic Approach

Marketing during a recession can be challenging, but with the right strategies, businesses can not only survive but thrive. It’s all about focusing on the basics, leveraging existing tools, and being smart about your approach. Here’s how you can effectively market during tough economic times.

1. Focus on the Basics and Use the Tools You Already Have

In a recession, it’s crucial to make the most of the resources you already have at your disposal. Here are some key areas to concentrate on:

  • Your Website: Make sure your website clearly communicates what you do or sell, with a strong call to action. For instance, if you provide eco-friendly cleaning supplies, your website should detail the benefits of your products and direct visitors to your online shop for further information. It’s essential to keep your messaging clear and compelling. Make sure you update it regularly. Blogs are a great way to keep things fresh and your SEO tight.
  • Email Marketing: Your existing customer database is invaluable, especially those who have engaged with you before or, even better, have purchased from you. Regular email communication keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds. For B2B (business-to-business) marketing, aim to send emails at least once a month. For B2C (business-to-consumer), twice a month should be the bare minimum.
  • Social Media Awareness: Building awareness through social media requires consistency. Scheduling your posts at the beginning of the month ensures that you remain visible to your audience without a large investment of time. Multiple touchpoints on various social platforms help maintain brand recognition and engagement.

2. Utilize Content Efficiently

Time and resource constraints are common during recessions, making it essential to maximize the impact of every piece of content. Cascading content is a great strategy for marketers or business owners with limited time:

  • Cascading Content Strategy: This approach involves repurposing the same content in various ways. For example, you can write a blog post and then break down its key points to use in your social media posts. This not only saves time but also ensures consistent messaging across platforms—just like we are doing here!

3. Collaborate with Other Businesses

Expanding your reach and growing your audience can be done effectively through collaboration:

  • Cross-Promotional Partnerships: Partner with another business that complements yours. For instance, if you sell sunscreen, you might collaborate with a swimwear company. Together, you could promote a giveaway on your social media channels that includes a sign-up form. This strategy allows both businesses to build their databases and increase brand exposure.

4. Be Strategic

Having a plan is essential, especially when resources are tight. Plan your marketing efforts over a set period, such as one to three months, and regularly review the outcomes. This will allow you to refine your strategy based on what works best.

If you would like a personalized review of your business or need help creating a marketing plan, we offer a 30-minute free chat with one of our strategic partners. Get in touch today to schedule your consultation!